Thursday May 2 2019


Waking up at 11:11 a.m.

Lara Bar. Irish Breakfast Tea.

Running errands with Ana. We get into a minor debacle while waiting to fill up water jugs at Whole Foods. After being a little bossy to Ana telling her to move the cart over it triggers some anger in her. The mom and child in front of us makes a joke about me being too bossy. Meanwhile, the child innocently eats her dessert treat.

Grilled PB&J Bagel. Coffee. Pineapple.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Making dinner with mom: Brown Rice Quinoa Noodles with Onions, Peppers, Mushrooms, and Tomato Sauce. Kale, Carrots, and Bread.

While we enjoy our meals just the two of us mom claims, “This has to be the best pasta you’ve ever made.”

“I feel like you’ve said that before.”

At the storage unit for Ladada practice. I’m here early chillin’ with Jordan, Ana, and Jonnie while they’re jamming on some Community Witch tune. Jordan recently started learning drums so I do what I do and give her a few music teacher pointers.

Cinnamon Roll. Chamomile Tea. Raspberries.

Sleep 4 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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