Thursday January 28 2016

War Pigs as performed by Jimmy at Shaka's (Jan 28 2016)[i]

Waking up at 11 a.m.

Steel Cut Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maca Powder, Maple Syrup, Strawberries, and Kefir. Yerba Mate Tea.

Organizing. Practicing piano.

Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Non-Dairy Cream Cheese. Corn Tortilla Chips with Avocado and Tomato. Oolong Tea. Banana.

Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

DEJA has a non-paying gig tonight at Shaka's at the oceanfront. They wanted to get footage to put together a video promo. So we made it a free show.

DEJA at Shaka's (Jan 28 2016) (2)

Enjoying an order of Fish n Chips and Amstel Lights before we go on.

It's not a very big crowd but we still rock it. It's been a long while since the last gig so some parts of our set are a little rusty but overall it's a good time.

DEJA at Shaka's (Jan 28 2016) (1)

Back home. Doing some dishes. Then settling down in Ana's room for the night. Cuddling under the covers and enjoying the warmth from each other's bodies.

Sleep 2 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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