Waking up at 10:30 to the sound of Josiah singing that infectious Alvvays song that none of us can seem to get out of our heads.
One last hurrah with everyone at our favorite taco place, Torchy's Tacos.
Enjoying an Egg Taco and a Tuna Taco with some juice. Tacos, tacos, tacos. That's all we've really eaten in Texas. They make everything into tacos here.
Hitting the road. I take the wheel first headed back to New Orleans. Then, Ana tries her hand at a road trip driving shift.
Me: "Everyone give it up for Ana's first road trip shift!"
"Whoo!" all applaud.
Brief stop at a tiger themed truck stop with purple and yellow colors that match Ana's shirt. Can't resist a photo...
Josh comments on Facebook, "This is one of those pictures you show your kids 20 years down the line, saying 'See, your mom was punk as fuck at one point in time.' And then they ask what decade it was, because this looks like it was taken in '86."
Arriving in New Orleans in a different part of town. We decided to catch the Babes and Wand show, two bands we saw at SXSW and loved so much we just had to see them again. They're playing at Siberia, a dimly lit dive bar that serves Slavic food and Czech beers. Bianca passed around weed cookies beforehand – I consumed about a 1/3 of one since the ¼ didn't cut it for me on Friday. Ana didn't take part cause it doesn't give her good after-feelings. Instead, she gulps down a couple ginger vodka drinks to reach our level of elation. It really kicks in during Babes. We shake and groove and bob our heads in a repetitive state to the psych-punk-prog-rock sounds. The lead singer puts on the same act of white mime makeup on the face, fishnets around the arms, and slowly removing one piece of clothing after each song. He takes on the spirit of Iggy Pop – it's infectious and irresistible. Calum stands guard un-drugged on the bench while Josiah, Bianca, Ana, and I work our face muscles to the max from smiling and laughing so hard. Everything is funny when you're high. And Time slows down. Wand goes on next and it's hit me so strong that I have to sit down to groove otherwise I might be in danger of falling backwards.
After the show we decide it'd be a good idea to scarf our faces with those famous beignets from Café Du Monde. We didn't get the opportunity to eat there a couple days ago because of all the tourists. And this place is open late into the night. Upon arriving at the block when parking the van we get tripped out by this mysterious figure leaning against a fountain structure down in an alley. We all gasp in shock, "Ahhhhh! Oooooooh!" But it's nothing more than a woman statue perched ominously under a light. She's dusted with white powder, which we find out is merely powdered sugar from the café. Josiah wraps his arms around the lady and poses for a photo...
Finally, we sit down at a table inside Café Du Monde and enjoy orders of hot Beignets and water.
Calum and Josiah take the front of the van and drive us through the night. I crash on the floor with Ana continuing to laugh about anything and everything. Josiah still has powdered sugar on the back of his shirt and Ana's face is covered in glitter from the Babes show.
Bianca, "We got powder back up here!"
Me: "And glitter face!"
Passed out.
[i] Images by me.
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