Sunday December 12 2010

DREAM: I can feel the presence of a ghost in this room. Where am I? And what is that wild-eyed dog doing here? I realize I had been sleeping at a friend’s place and just woke up. It’s dark in here. I make my way to the bathroom. This brown dog keeps following me. There’s a white-grey fog in his eyes. He seems to recognize whenever the ghost makes a move, cause dogs have that sixth sense. I’m scared knowing a ghost is in here…

Just before 5:30 p.m. I wake up.

Breakfast: Immune Defense.

Work at China Wok.

Rain. Rain. Rain.

I inform Doug of what happened to Margot Friday night and ask him, “How would you feel if you were in my shoes?”

His response, “I’d want to kill him.”

Well, I’m not going to do that. Relinquishing one’s life is not my jurisdiction, nor anyone else’s. What goes around comes around, right? This asshole that took advantage of my girl in her weakest moment will get what’s coming to him in time.

Researching and scheming with Doug…hehe.

Lunch: Grilled Cheese with Tomato. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Honey Green Tea.

Doug and I in the kitchen—talking about how bands find their way in, or rather the route a band has to take to become successful.

Art is teaching Doug swear words in Russian.

Just as I’m walking out the house I discover the right side mirror to my van is turned in and the mirror is smashed. You’ve got to be kidding me! Apparently somebody that was driving by rammed the side of the van on accident and just drove off—a hit and run! My mirror is in pieces. Karma is supposed to work the other way around. Or maybe this is pre-meditated karma for the carnal thoughts of revenge that have been crowding my mind all weekend. Whatever. Maybe insurance will cover it, maybe it won’t. This is easily replaceable anyway.

Practicing songs at the storage unit.

Not feeling very comfortable right now. A combination of fear, anger, and…I have a headache.

At home, eating a Hard Boiled Egg and a bowl of Cherrios with Brown Sugar.

I’ve been running all these different scenarios through my mind—if this was only a movie, then I could be so badass right now. I’d be like Jodie Foster in The Brave One, a vigilante and take matters into my own hands—train myself with adrenaline, cause believe me, I have plenty of that. I’m not going to do anything stupid. I’m smarter than those dumbos who use violence for retaliation. But can I develop a plan for payback that stays within the law right? Easy enough.

Talking with Margot on the phone…

“I just need time to cool off.”

Compiling tempos for Musicplayer.

Eating Dinner Rolls.

Sleep 8:15 a.m.

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