Friday December 17 2010

DREAM: Hiding out in the bushes somewhere. It just rained and I’m stepping in a distinct grey mud—black rocks everywhere. Something calamitous just happened that has affected everyone. I’m trying to keep safe but am not opposed to exploring the area with caution. ☼☼☼ I just started living in a small wood shack in the middle of a field. There’s a clothes wire strung across the door where I’ve hung my green towel, a rag, and a hat. A car pulls up with the Dominos sign on the roof. He was just here an hour ago. He tells me the order is $70. Joking with him that it’s probably somebody else. Just then, Katie Ans, Michal Sterling, and an unknown guy from Master’s Commission walk up to pay for their separate orders. “Oh hey Katie!” I try to get their attention but none of them respond to me for some reason. It’s as if I’m a ghost or maybe they’re ignoring me.

Getting up at 3:30 p.m.

Sleeping in such a foreign environment like the back of my van compared to my room at home is an adjustment that caused me to wake up quite frequently, but, with the tent of blankets I created to give me privacy from potential passersby and the sun, I was able get adequate sleep.

Breakfast: Powdered Donut. Banana. Orange Peach Mango Juice.

Driving. Only about 3 more hours to Orlando.

Lunch: Egg Salad Sandwich. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Honey Green Tea.

Stuck in Orlando traffic trying to get to Downtown Disney.

After hunting down a spot in the maze that is Disney Parking. Meeting up with an old friend and her family in The Rainforest Café. They just finished their dinner.

Sipping on some Margarita that tastes like a Freeze Pop.

They invite me back to their hotel room, which is fully furbished with a running kitchen, washer, and dryer.

Sitting around the table drinking Tea and Milk.

Eating a double-layered Red Velvet Cake with Icing, to which I had almost three slices—thick and delicious.

Observing and engaging in light conversation with everyone. Everyone is in harmony—a vacation mindset.

Stretching and working the stair master in the fitness center while watching a stand up comedy act of Bill Maher on TV.

Sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter eating Dinner: Pad Thai Noodles. Milk.

Watching American Teen [2008], a documentary on seniors at a high school in a small Indiana town.

It’s so quiet in here. One of the friends that’s sleeping in the living room mentions how the light above the stove is bothering her, which is very dull, just enough to make out what’s in the room. Earlier, I asked her if the main kitchen light would be a bother and made sure it was off. And now I find out she needs total darkness to drift off. Now I feel like I’m being a bother—every move I make and key I type is like walking on eggshells.

I retreat to the men’s locker room by the main lobby—playing guitar—enjoying the bathroom acoustics.

Back in the van, lying down in my makeshift tent of blankets and pillows.

Sleep 5:15 a.m.

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