Sunday May 31 2020


Waking up around 12:30 p.m.


Ana made us delicious fluffy Waffles for breakfast.




It’s a beautiful sunny day out. Ana and I hit up Aloha Snacks for lunch. Enjoying a Chicken Roti Wrap with Fries and a Three Ships Coffee.


Hitting up The Loop at the oceanfront to shoot some basketball around – Ana works on skateboarding nearby. A father and son playing some 21 with me.


Back home. Cleaning up and doing chores.


Giving the hallway bathroom sink and toilet a good cleaning.


Ana and I decide to join the Black Lives Matter march/protest at the oceanfront. She’s scared but brave. She nor I have ever been a part of a protest of this magnitude. It feels important to me to support this movement especially as it’s in our backyard. I brought an empty water jug to bang and help keep the rhythm of the chants.







We join in around 30th Street all the way to the intersection at 5th and Winston Salem where a standoff ensues. It seemed the police were allowing the voices to be heard the whole way up to this point. It’s not clear who instigated it but the crowd disperses. We’re here because we want to support the voices that need to be heard.


I saw an Instagram post that sums up what I feel, “I understand I will never understand. However I stand.”


After Ana and I get back home safely we hear about teargas being thrown and rubber bullets being shot, and some lone red truck trying to run over protesters.


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