Saturday May 30 2020


Waking up at noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, and Almond Milk. Breakfast Tea.


Teaching afternoon lessons at Music Makers.


SpaceX and NASA launched a shuttle into space today, an historic moment since the last time was 9 years ago. I guess they’re going to the moon to build a moon station!


Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Butter and Jam. Spinach. Coffee.

Watching the Jeffrey Epstein documentary.


Driving over to The Loop at the oceanfront. Shooting the basketball around. While at the 3-point line about to put up a shot I hear from a distance a dude shout, “Ten bucks if you make that?”

The shot goes in effortlessly. He pulls out his wallet.

“You really don’t have to do that,” I tell him.

“Nah, I’m a man of my word,” he insists.


A family shows up (dad, sister, and two brothers). I join them in a game of 7. Then a few rounds of 1v1 with the big brother.


Getting a few things at Wal-Mart.


Power napping.


Warming up dinner: leftover Pasta with Greens and Sourdough Bread.


Ana comes in for a chat.


Doing the accounting.



Playing DOOM.

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