Sunday April 26 2020


Waking up at 12:32 p.m.


Cereal with Strawberries and Almond Milk. Irish Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


Organizing things in the living room and a closet space at the studio.


Scrambled Eggs. Toast with Butter and Jam. Salt n Vinegar Chips with Avocado.

Watching Extraction (2020).


Working out in the living room.


After Ana naps a little she joins me. Then, we go to the basketball courts. She brings her skateboard and attempts tricks.



Picking up some Gelato and Fish Tacos from Gringo’s.


At home. I finally tackle the task of going through mom’s dresser drawers. Organizing all her clothes and jewelry into bags and bins. It’s difficult making the decision whether or not to keep something. Although, a few particular things are obviously meant to be held onto.


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