Saturday February 29 2020


Waking up at 11:04 a.m. Happy Leap Year Day!


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Strawberries, Maple Syrup, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Teaching afternoon lessons at Music Makers.


Egg Sandwich with Tomato. Corn Tortilla Chips with Guac. Coffee.

Watching Altered Carbon.


Catching up on business.


Running errands. Shopping at H&M for some new pants and underwear. I probably frequent this place maybe once a year if barely that.


Leftover Spaghetti Noodles with Broccoli and Naan Bread.


Doing the accounting – writing checks – tapping the calculator.


After Ana gets off work I show off some of the things I got at H&M. Hilarity ensues after I place a small pillow in my new pants to make it look like I have a big butt.


At the studio practicing drums.



Sleep 4 a.m.

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