Sunday March 27 2016

Kenny, Ana, Mom, and I Selfie - Easter Sunday (March 27 2016)[i]

Waking up at 10:52 a.m.

Irish Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, Raisins, and Kefir. Yerba Mate Tea.

Quickie sex with Ana in her bedroom before she goes off to Trader Joe's for last minute groceries.

Then, we head out to Portsmouth to visit with my mom, Uncle Kenny, and Myra. On the drive there the overcast skies and rain inspire me to play some Eisley, a band I used to listen to a long time ago. The haunting and wispy melodies cause Ana to cry.

"Can't even play an Eisley album without people crying!" I say. "But that's the beauty of music – it represents the ebb and flow of life, happiness and sadness."

There, at the old Markham house. I brought a big crock-pot of Beans and a Tupperware of Kale to go with the Chicken and Quinoa that my mom is cooking. Her and Kenny's face light up when we arrive. At the old wooden table adorned with a white lace cover we enjoy our Easter dinner. Fresh Strawberries dipped in melted Chocolate to finish off the meals.

Mom Cooking Chicken - Easter Sunday (March 27 2016)

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries - Easter Sunday (March 27 2016)

Helping my mom update and fix things on her computer and iPhone.

Then, it's time for music. I pull out the guitar. Sipping on Ginger Turmeric Tea. Ana and I sing through whatever song we feel like singing. At one point we get Kenny to sing "Can't Help Falling in Love" solo. It brings a tear to his and my mom's eye as he croons in his deep and beautiful voice.

Kenny, Ana, Mom, and I - Easter Sunday (March 27 2016)

Playing Music - Easter Sunday (March 27 2016) (1)

Playing Music - Easter Sunday (March 27 2016) (2)

Back home in Virginia Beach. I put together a little late dinner for Ana and I: Grilled Cheeses with Basil, Arugula, Tomato, and Roasted Potatoes and Onions.

Catching up on things.

Sleep 2:30 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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