Thursday June 5 2014

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (8)[i]

It's a perfectly beautiful day for adventures at Kings Dominion. The group consists of myself, Ana, Will, Doug, and his girlfriend Kelly. It's only open from 10:30 to 6 so we make sure to arrive as early as possible. As we tromp around in the hot sun riding roller coaster after roller coaster multiple times in a row with hardly any lines or wait times I recall fond memories of this magical theme park when I was younger. I remember coming here in big church groups with my mom and having to wait anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours to get on the thrill rides. That was back when this place was thriving and everything seemed much bigger. It's a different experience now that I'm here as an adult. Everything seems less intimidating. But that's not to say it's less fun. In fact we ride ourselves silly on all the roller coasters we can.

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (1)

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (2)

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (3)

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (4)

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (7)

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (9)

Kings Dominion (June 5 2014) (11)

After an almost near disaster of Doug losing his keys on The Intimidator coaster and then finding them at the lost and found, we hit the road back home. Ana drove us here and she takes the wheel again allowing me to nap and relax in the passenger seat.

Back home. Recuperating. Talking with Darren and Devon. They repainted their bedroom. Jupiter, their cat, is back – I missed him.

Settling down and relaxing.

Watching Warrior (2011).

Sleep at 3 a.m.

[i] Images by me.

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