Sunday November 3 2013

Lotus War Night (1). James Jean.[i]

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It's about 3 in the morning. I take a night walk through the neighborhood and up Laskin. I see the manager at a car wash is finishing up with closing the register. A lady, the last customer of the night, is still waiting for her car to be done. I find all of this strange because it's so late for a car wash to be open. I continue walking and decide to fly. So I flap my arms in such a way that I elevate my body above a few houses and into the Latitudes Apartment neighborhood. I spot a playground with monkey bars made of a loft bed. Kevin, an old friend of mine from church way back in the day, appears and we play chicken fights on the monkey bars. We hang strategically from the bars. We seem higher than we should be; the ground looks further down than I thought. The more we engage in battle the looser the bars become. Eventually it all collapses. We fall to the ground. Along with the loft bed about 5 or 6 guitars fell too. I don't know why they were there in the first place. But they belonged to some of the neighbors. They drunkenly march outside to check out the commotion. They're angrily disappointed. Some of them start brawling.

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Alarm goes off at 11:05 a.m.

Honey Bunches of Oats with Almond Milk.

All day shift at China Wok.


Mixed Nuts and Raisins. Egg Roll. Egg Drop Soup. Honey Black Tea.

I'm noticing recurring numbers "333" and "111" today.

"Your total is $30.33."

"That'll be $31.11."

Not to mention the other day Stephanie paid me her starting rent, which was $333.

"Number 333 resonates with the vibrations and energies of number 3, appearing three times, tripling its influences. Number 3 = the 'Jesus connection'. When Angel Number 333 appears consistently it implies that the Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help and assist you in your endeavors and with serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission."

Sundays are typically nice and steady for deliveries. As soon as I arrive back at the restaurant another order is ready. I continue in this manner all day and night.

The temperature is brisk and chilly, a cold, cold day in November. The weather has been back and forth between warm and cold. Eventually, winter will settle us in.

Just before 8 p.m. Ana visits. I was trying to get her a job here driving part time but the bosses seem apprehensive about hiring her, not because she is a girl but because she doesn't have food delivery experience. They're just being selective. Either way, Ana puts on one of the cook hats and assists me in filling the dumpling sauce into little plastic containers.


In the car on a delivery the New Radical's song "Get What You Give" comes on the iPod. She said she remembers the song but always thought it was sung by U2. I mention how easy it is when you're young and listening to music to associate big name artists with certain genres. I could've been guilty just the same. It's always nice having Ana here while I'm working. I can vent to her. I can warm my hands underneath her thighs. I can laugh.

Off work and back home.

Leftover Tilapia and Brown Rice with Broccoli and Snow Peas.

Watching Redemption (2013).

Downstairs, I continue with 1435 Reconstruction – organizing the VHS collection, adding shelves, adding more tapes.

Rewarding myself with Popcorn and a Pumpkin Toaster Pastry.

Sleep around 5 a.m.

[i] Lotus War Night (1). James Jean.

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