Monday November 4 2013

The Wok (Nov 4 2013)[i]

Waking up just before 1 p.m.

Honey Bunches of Oats with Almond Milk and a Banana.

Phase 2 of 1435 Reconstruction: organizing the massive amounts of books Anthony had hidden in closets and boxes. The idea is to create an accessible library of books, VHS tapes, records, and DVDS. It's going to take some time.

Mixed Nuts and Raisins. Baked Lentil Chips. Strawberry Greek Yogurt. Orange Juice.

Watching Regarding Henry (1991).

Donating boxes of stuff to the thrift store and tossing junk in the dumpster.

My mechanic on 17th Street said he'd take another look at my car regarding the problem with not starting on occasion. Installing a new alternator was supposed to solve this issue but it didn't. Either way I drop it off at the shop. If I'd a planned it better I would've brought my bike but I didn't. So I decide it's a nice night for a walk. I strap on my running shoes and tote a Harris Teeter bag with gym shorts and an iPod. It's not overwhelmingly cold out but it's chilly. I make it to the clubhouse. There're quite a number of people here tonight. Doing a multitude of things: lifting weights, crunches, jump roping, running, etc. Trying not to be distracted by the few attractive ladies nearby. We catch each other's eye frequently but then again it's a fairly small room so it's bound to happen. They say working out increases sexual energy. I feel it.


I take the long walk home, maybe a 30-minute walk. Submersed in a musical world of analytical thoughts – digging through ideas for change and progression.

Back home.


Vegetable Pad Thai with Sautéed Spinach and Parmesan Bread.

Watching Regarding Henry (1991).

Stephanie has moved into Anthony and Kelley's old room. It's kind of strange not having them here. But Stephanie's added to the creative spirit of the house and along with that revolutionary ideas like having a chores list, being anal about dusting and vacuuming. It's nice having another girl in the mix to help facilitate cleanliness. 

Making and eating Chocolate Chip Cookies with Almond Milk. 

Skimming through a book called A Story of Music, Copyright 1938...

"While Beethoven, whose mind was slower, but perhaps deeper, once worked ten years on a single symphony. The boy Beethoven won the respect of his home town by his playing, but not excitement enough for a world tour."

Even as a child when I was first starting to play the piano I remember studying Beethoven and feeling like I shared kindred spirits with his music and his struggles in life.

Sleep 5 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

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