Thursday September 26 2013

Lebrolverine. Joey Cienian.[i]

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At the bottom of the deep end of a pool, 30 or 40 foot deep, sits a snake that I accidentally dropped. I'm afraid to swim down to retrieve it because I know my ears can't withstand the pressure and will pop. I desperately ask nearby swimmers holding onto the edge if they can help me.

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Waking up around 1 p.m.

Cinnamon Raisin Bagel with Vegan Cream Cheese. Orange Juice.


While eating lunch safely just in the bedroom over to me I hear the faint sounds of hollering coming through the air vents. There's been some serious squabbling lately between Anthony and Kelley.

Egg Sandwich with Mayonnaise and Tomato. Strawberries. Asian Pear. Honey Green Tea.

At the Rec Center. They've got organized adult basketball every Tuesday and Thursday. It's my first time participating. My team wins some and loses some. But overall I feel thoroughly satisfied with my game play. Making 80% of the shots I take. There's only one moment where an ego battle ensues between one of my teammates and another over something trivial of course. Any second someone could throw a punch or shove but after some intervening it gets squelched.

"C'mon guys! Quit acting childish. Let's just play."

Honey Crisp Apple.


Vegetable Pad Thai. Shrimp Bao.

Watching The Frozen Ground (2013).

James Graves comes over. It's been a while since we've hung out. We embrace the winds of the east on our bikes at the oceanfront. Disturbing Elliott at his place on 16th. While zipping down the boardwalk we talk about our aspirations to be that interesting old guy that kids share stories about.

Back home. Alone in my room. In these late haunting hours in the early morn I find myself drifting off into a nostalgic place remembering an old love, so exotic in my mind's eye...Ays. The act of recalling memories is innocent I believe. A small part of me longs for her again. After staring off into space for a minute I shake out of it and reassure myself it's for the best that in this present moment we are disconnected. I have another beautiful relationship blooming right now that has provided nothing but positive energy in my life. I refuse to taint it.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Sleep 4:30 a.m.

[i] Lebrolverine. Joey Cienian.

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