Saturday September 28 2013

Ilya Bolotowsky.[i]

Waking up around 1:30 p.m.

Strawberry Toaster Pastries. Orange Juice.

Getting my basic diet of articles and research online – profound experiences in space, female objectification in pop music, jaguar awesomeness.


Tuna Salad Wrap with Couscous and Tomato. Veggie and Flax Seed Tortilla Chips with Salsa. Lemon Water.

Watching Promised Land (2012).

Shooting some solo hoops.

At Tapped, a gastro pub across the street from Chanticleer. I have a gig with Mike Gombas and Chris Kendrick. I've never been here before. Kevin raves on about this place as he makes appearances here on a regular basis. It's a slightly uppity place but they've got $2.50 specials on a Czech beer.

Ana Southern Belle (Sept 28 2012)[ii]

Sitting at the table with Ana. She's adorned in black pants and a deep red buttoned up shirt that only accentuates her charm. I pull out my small notebook for us to jot down observations and thoughts as the show happens (her words in italics).

"Comfortable hues of burgundy.
A 60's tune brings a smile to my face.
There's a warm welcoming presence in the air.
Constant laughter. Constant genuine laughter.
Czechvar sits on a napkin square staring coldly at me, waiting, just waiting for that wondrous moment when my sweaty hands will grip it's slender body and gulp, gulp, gulp.
An old friend enters. More laughter. Adding more lemons to my iced water as we chat, and I finish. My mouth is feeling fresh. Showers of satisfaction slip throughout my body.
I feel a soft tap on my shoulder. Ana's tapping the drink menu there. I ask, 'Are you tapping on my shoulder?'
Robert, with his dark blue jeans and dark brown longsleeves, blends in with the burgundy hues. His style of music is a soothing sea. I can see his passion coated around him. And he seems to be charming the audience.
Then starts singing a Weezer song about lack of love making. That's kinda funny because that's exactly how I feel.
A piano song! Cute! Sincere! Sweet! Upbeat!
The word tap seems to be a reoccurring accident tonight."


Sharing a plate of Fried Cheese Trio dipped in Marinara Sauce.

Back at the house we share bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch while slightly drunken Kevin demands our attention.

"Leave us alone, Kevin! We're eating cereal. This is serious! It's cereal!"

Upstairs settling down in the bed, both of us exhausted. We take turns caressing each other's backs. While her hand strokes carefully along mine the sexual mood increases. It can only lead to making love.

[i] Ilya Bolotowsky. 
[ii] Filipino Southern Belle. Image by me.

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