Sunday April 4 2010


About 3:30 p.m. I wake up. It’s hotter than usual in the house.

DREAM: I get on a ship overnight to attend this military camp for the weekend. I live in a house with four other black dudes. One of them is Denzel Washington, who is our sergeant. Him and I are best buddies. Denzel and I have packed up all our things in a van because the camp is done for and we’re heading back to our real homes. I had been keeping some money in a safe inside a brown suitcase but moved the money in my pocket. We’re about to leave when we notice somebody broke the back window and stole the suitcase. I don’t care so much because the money is on me. But Denzel insists that we talk to one of the other guys and question them. We slip in through a bathroom window and find one of the guys in there. It’s an awkward situation as Denzel interrogates him.

Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran Cereal with Cinnamon, Brown Sugar, Peaches, and Milk. Orange Juice. Zinc and Biotin.

Work at China Wok. I get off early.

Phil informs me about a load of mattresses at The Castle hotel. I pick him up at Elliott’s place. A manager at the hotel tells us to come back tomorrow at 10AM to take them. We drive around town and pick up a lot of good stuff including a few furniture chairs, a cat post, a few mattresses, some TVs, a dresser, and bunk bed pieces.

Four square and boxing at Elliott’s.

I help Art with some documents.

Some people come over to the house including Rachel and Ian Charles. Margot brings over eggs to decorate. Phil digests many eggs. Margot gives me an Easter Basket including a stuffed swan and her baby.

Dinner: Salmon Cakes with Salad Greens. PBR. Cherry Pie.

I talk to Margot about how money conscious I am and how it affects what I do. She tells me about an experiment with men and women that was done. Women’s voices were recorded during their menstrual cycle and then played back to different men. Most men found the women’s voices most attractive during the ovulating stage, when the women are most fertile. Their voices were also higher in pitch. Also, I try to explain my take on the film Antichrist [2009], which is difficult because of the many layers it has.

It’s right in front of me. Suddenly, I get an itch…a craving. There’s no reason except I have blood flowing through my veins. I have sexual needs. It’s in my nature…the nature of man.

Cherry Pie and a glass of Milk.

I watch The Wrestler [2008] then sleep around 7 a.m.

[i] Easter basket from Margot.

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