Sunday April 11 2010

Around 3 p.m. I wake up. There are a bunch of texts and calls I missed while sleeping.

From: Becca Joy


CB: 540-239-6850

Apr 11, 11:11 am

DREAM: I’m observing myself from afar driving a car. I’m being chased by a police car on a busy city street. I finally escape from the cop’s sight behind a Bojangles. My car is an RV now. I’m walking around inside looking in different rooms. An accident happened and supposedly everybody is dead that was in the RV. Detectives are investigating everything. I look in one room and find 4 or 5 people underneath a dome-like glass structure sitting in a hot tub playing cards. Steam everywhere. In another room is John Travolta. He’s lying dead in a coffin made of that same glass structure with steam rising everywhere. I see him with his arms crossed like a vampire. ☼☼☼☼☼ I’m living in a big house with a high church-like ceiling. I wake up from a dream where I just discovered how to capture images on my cell phone while dreaming. I try explaining this to Angel Berrios. He’s skeptical. I show him this photo I took of a dog sitting in the dirt. I describe the process to him: Before you go to sleep, hold your phone in your hand. While you’re dreaming, you will recognize the phone being held. It only works if you’re lucid dreaming though. When you come across a strong image, take a picture. You will also be taking a picture in your bed of whatever the mind is seeing.

Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran Cereal with Cinnamon, Brown Sugar, Blueberries, and Milk. Orange Mango Juice. Zinc and Biotin.

A mother bird is concerned about the change in dynamics at the house.

Lunch: Toasted Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly Sandwich. Baked Lay’s. Banana. Green Tea.

Work at China Wok. I make a delivery to a guy whose order is exactly $11.11.

Me: “That’s funny your order is $11.11”

Guy: “Oh yeah? Is that a bad thing?”

Me: “No…just coincidence I guess. I see that number a lot.”

Guy: “Hmm.”

Me: “Alright, thanks man.”

Guy: “Yeah thanks.”

Me: “Have a nice night.”

Guy: “You too.”

I finish my shift at work and walk out with $111.41.

Reading the new Adbusters March/April 2010 issue.

“1886: The US Supreme Court gives corporations the same rights and protections as citizens.” Right there is the first black spot, the cause to all our problems in America.

Some other thoughts: Nature is indifferent. As the human race, we get lost in this manipulative mindset where we are in control. We think we’re kings. But we have been deceived by our own human nature into thinking we have complete power over God’s nature.

Art, Phil, and I get deep into a conversation in my room about globalization and our responsibility as consumers and human beings. We take the discussion into the living room. We cover politics and history. It’s a beautiful thing when two or three people can come to an understanding together on concepts like this. It almost empowers you with hope for change. I want to see a mental revolution in society. When will this happen?

Dinner: Chicken with Cumin Powder and Onions, Cheesy Tomato Pasta, Broccoli and Green Beans. Natural Cranberry and Grapefruit Soda.

Phil and I dumpster dive at Trader Joe’s. We are able to salvage some goodies including Sunflower Seeds, Peanuts, Bananas, Coffee Beans, Bread, Brown Sugar, Black Licorice, and even a few Plants.

Phil, Josiah, and I discuss erections. I mention the guy in the movie Kinsey [2004] that has the ability to ejaculate in 10 seconds. Then Phil attempts to sleep on the couch while Josiah persists to sit at the foot of the couch. Phil gets mildly upset as Josiah sits on his feet.

“That was a good 35 minute conversation,” Rocky says after she finishes getting off the phone with Emily.

“The birds are tweeting upstairs,” Phil says, lying on the couch listening to the murmuring between Margot and Brianna in the attic.


I practice the Beethoven piece at the storage unit.

I clean my teeth. Sleep 7 a.m.

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