Thursday March 11 2010


Around 1:30pm I wake up to Ambrotious nuzzling my face. Eventually he lies down next to my arm. For a while I lay in bed staring at his cat smile. It seems to be a permanent curved line showing his never-changing satisfaction with things.

Dream: I’m walking the streets of a grey and dirty city. I’m watching myself explore the city. Now I am inside an apartment with intricately designed rooms and stair conjunctions. In the washer and dryer room close to the door, my Dad walks in with a few bars of soap and some water. He suggests this is the best way to clean something that is stained. ☼☼☼☼☼ I’m with a group of people. We were all chosen to battle through a level from the video game DOOM. All of it is familiar to me but only in the dream. At one point half of us, about 7, have to pack into a small box-like elevator. It’s about the size of a closet. I have to choose whether to stay behind and go through the rest of the level with the other group of people who aren’t very interesting or know what they’re doing. So I cram into the box elevator with the other 7. The door shuts and it’s hard to breath. There’s a fat man taking up a lot of room and my face is being flattened on his belly. I move him to the side. The whole time I know what is going to happen next. The lights go black and the elevator perimeter becomes a brown transparent screen. It moves up into a dark forest. A disgusting creature with big eyes and snarling teeth surrounds us. Some of us have guns, including me, and we have to shoot at the monster just enough for us to pass through to the next level. It’s getting harder to breath and everybody is getting claustrophobic. Finally, a hatch at the top opens up and we pile out of there scrambling for fresh air. ☼☼☼☼☼ Vina is in my room but it looks different. On the TV, a movie just ended and the credits are rolling. She tells me the reason she’s in America is to be interviewed by a few schools so she can study here in the states. Tomorrow she will go to Atlanta, Georgia. I am surprised to see her here. Her hair looks short as if she just got a haircut.

Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran with Cinnamon and Blueberries, Mango Orange Juice, Zinc and Vitamin E.

I stretch to The XX.

Lunch: Peanut Butter Toast, Baked Lay’s, Banana, Green Tea.

Phil brings over a friend that he met through after they play tennis somewhere. We have a conversation about animals and their thought process.

Phil rides around with me while I work my shift at China Wok. We talk about how girls are territorial and guys try to conquer territory. We discuss our sexual frustrations and also how Rocky is like a mother bird. At one of the stops, a lady gives us a dresser.

Dinner: Phil and I eat Vegetable Lo Mein together.

More work on a song.

I eat three Blueberry Muffins with Cream Cheese Icing and two Cups of Coffee while I watch some of Federico Fellini’s [1963].

I continue working on some music.

I eat Edamame Soybeans with Crackers.

Smashing Pumpkins is auditioning for a new bassist and keyboardist. I put together an email to send to them. Hmm…

I shower and clean my teeth.

Read then sleep around 6am.

[i] Me smashing pumpkin. Image by a friend.

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