Saturday March 13 2010


1:37pm I wake up.

DREAM: I’m in this big town house with Aaron Lachman and a lot of other guys. We’re supposed to be hanging out and playing board games. John Bray is in his room hanging out with his own friends. He looks like a guy named Jim I used to know a long time ago when I was little. Aaron and I are irritated he doesn’t come out of his room.

Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran with Cinnamon and Blueberries, Mango Orange Juice, Zinc and Vitamin E.

Chris and I work on my song at the storage unit.

Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Tomato, Salt N Vinegar Chips, Banana, Green Tea.

Work at China Wok. One of my bosses, Kevin, is leaving for New York tonight on the China Bus. He doesn’t like Virginia Beach. I stretch while waiting for orders to come and Kevin talks to me about meditation and Buddhism. He tells me that every year he goes to upstate New York for a month long prayer session. He shows me a video online of this unique rainbow that encircles the front of a temple.

Apparently, when a Buddhist Master dies, their body will sometimes manifest itself as a circular rainbow in front of a temple.

Dinner: Vegetable Lo Mein.

Becca finishes part two of cutting my hair.

Emily’s Going Away Party at the house: Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. But not at some point. It hits the fan, like for real for real. Alcohol takes people and dumps them into a pit of despair and self-pity. I hate hate hate being around this. I am not perfect. I know this. I am wrong. I do wrong. I make wrong. However I try to play fair. I try to be fair. I try try try to be a friend. I am not perfect. Did I mention that? Be respectful. That’s all I ask of people. That’s all I want. I want you to understand what I think and why I think. I want to understand what you think and why you think. I really do. It should be understood. Right? Make sense? Okay. Something may be wrong with me. I see all these social anxieties in others. I should stop and look at my own inadequacies. Nothing is really wrong though. Nothing at all. Yeah. The bigger picture and all. Just take a long look at it. All these insignificant problems everybody makes up in their minds, it doesn’t effect anything in the realm of reality. But then again is there even a reality? Of course not. All we have is our own perspective. That’s the only real thing to anyone.

I take a walk around the block and smoke an Indonesian Sampoerna. I look up at the night sky and breath in the fresh chill air. I think about how I want to fly up into the blackness and become one with all I see.

A few people are lingering around the house in deep discussions.

I clean up around the house.

I clean my teeth.

I sleep around 6:20am.

[i] The Depression by Phil Gray.

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