Monday March 15 2010


3pm I get up. I see that Ambrotious has been sleeping next to me for most of the night. He nuzzles my face and swoops his head underneath my hand begging for affection. He’s the sweetest thing.

DREAM: I’m on some kind of mission in Hawaii. I’m in a car that’s parked right along the shore of a beach facing towards land. Next to me is another car in the same position with a black guy and a white girl. As we’re waiting for something I see the waves bring the water right up to the car so it’s level with the window (windows are open). I’m concerned that as the waves continue, water will get inside the car. I tell my associates in the other car, “Did you know this is the smallest island in Hawaii?” I look at the tall green cliffs in front of us and the big rocks on the shore. All of it is so beautiful and surreal, even the clear blue sky. All of a sudden, a tsunami wave starts to tower in slow motion behind us. But my perspective is from the side so I can see the cars with us inside them. The tsunami is taller than the cliffs and it looks almost like a white brick wall rather than water. I start my engine and wait for the water to suck backwards. That way when I accelerate the waves will give my car momentum and push it forward. The associates don’t think it’s a good idea.

Breakfast: Hot Oat Bran with Cinnamon and Blueberries, Orange Mango Juice, Zinc and Vitamin E.

Phil and I go to Big Lots, CHKD and JCOC Thrift Store, and Trader Joe’s.

Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Salt N Vinegar Chips with Avocado, Green Tea.

Roommate spats about a printer ensue. As usual, we get frustrated with each other and then level it out in the end. It’s comforting to have this assurance: when two people are willing to work disagreements out no matter what happens, then a friendship is set for life.

Chris and I practice a song at the storage unit with Chad on bass guitar. I’m happy with the way it’s sounding.

I eat a Black Bean and Vegetable Burrito and a Banana.

I drive to Waffle House with the intention of meeting Becca for our traditional Mondays. She informs me she is working late and needs to pick someone up from the airport. I order a cup of Coffee and use the opportunity to catch up on my reading of Notebooks of a Naked Youth. Quote: “I now fully realise that the world doesn’t really exist, but is only created in our own sorry, miserable, misguided heads.” An unrecognizable oldies song plays on the jukebox. It immediately sparks youthful emotions inside me. I think about what it feels like to be in love with someone. Just as happy as it makes me feel, I also become depressed about all the burdens I place on myself regarding the future and my musical/artistic endeavors. The most important thing for me is my on going pursuit to be productive and create (or rather discover) beauty in all its forms. And there are so many.------- Becca finally walks in with her friend from work. We have to hurry and order some food to go. We pick up her roommate, Jason, from the airport who just came back from Israel. I talk to Jason about his travel experience. Back at her house we indulge in our Waffles we ordered earlier. We conduct make shift counseling sessions with each other and share a few significant stories from the past weekend. She explains how my body movement reminds her of those fan-powered Gumby-like streamers that businesses will put outside in front of their stores.

At home, I snack on some Veggie Chips.

I clean my teeth and sleep around 6am.

[i] The Tiki Gods. Mark Bryan.

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