Sunday August 2 2015

Waking up at 11 a.m.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Chia Seeds, Maple Syrup, Blueberries, and Kefir. Oolong Tea.

All day shift at China Wok.

Aprium. Banana.

It's a stupidly hot day – as usual I'm fighting against the sun's rays.

Scrambled Eggs. Bagel with Non-Dairy Cream Cheese. Olive Oil Potato Chips. Honey Green Tea.

The day continues steadily – deliveries everywhere.

Enjoying Sweet Blueberry Almonds and a container of Papaya that Ana cut up just for me. She left a cute note on top...

Honey Beary (August 2 2015)[i]

At the end of my shift I have a difficult conversation with Cecily about getting Friday off and having Will try to work a couple shifts and possibly take over my job. I understand they have their own idea of how many days they want me to work here every week. On top of this debacle Ming, the other cook who has worked here since the beginning, is getting married and moving to New York tomorrow. So that means one less person to help out in the kitchen.


It feels like being in a relationship with somebody and you don't know how to tell them you want to break up. I mean I've been working here a little over four years – it's a long, long time. I've already been mentally preparing myself to resign from being a delivery driver here at China Wok.

Back home and off work.

While warming up the mung beans on the stove Ana sneakily reaches over and pinches my butt.

"Stop pinching my butt!" I exclaim.

Nearby, Will mentions something about how we've made that illegal.

"Yeah! Butt pinching is illegal in this house now!" I tell her.

Leftover Sprouted Mung Beans with Broccoli and Rice.

Watching Rocky III (1982).

I talked with Drew earlier and we decided I should learn two or three of DEJA's songs and rehearse with them on Thursday. I spend a good part of the night trying to learn "Carry On My Wayward Son" by Kansas on the piano. The organ solo is a challenge. I might not be ready to perform something like that.

Feeling overwhelmed. My birthday is on Tuesday. My dad will be here. My girlfriend is making me a cake and wants to make me feel special and appreciated. There're bitter feelings between China Wok and I. There's pressure to learn songs by Thursday from a genre I've never had experience in. Some of my plants are dying. I just can't keep up with life sometimes.

Sleep 3:30 a.m.

[i] Image by me.

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